Studies & Research

How does light help you to attract visitors to your shopping center or city? What is the value of light experiences? Of creating an atmosphere? Of seasonal lighting?

We have the answers. We commission studies, carry out regular research and write reports to help our customers understand how True Light Experiences and Themed Attraction Experiences can make a positive difference to their space.

See the available studies and request a copy of our research below.

Study 1: The Christmas market as visitor magnet

What is the importance of a Christmas market in your city as a driver of visitors over the festive season? This study looks at what visitors in Germany and Austria really want, and focuses on the German and Austrian markets. Note that this study is presently only available in German.


BARCANA s. r. o.

Solivarská 8030/1a 080 01 Prešov, Slovakia Slovak Republic
+421 517 495 780

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